I attached my Arduino UNO board to my computer and attempted to upload a program that was about 1,000 bytes in size. I got an error that said "Serial port 'COM1' not found. Did you select the right one from the Tools > Serial Port menu?". Can somebody help me please?
Can somebody help me please?
If you mail me your Arduino and your computer, I'll check and see if you selected the right serial port.
Or, you could do it yourself.
happens to me often enough when i unplug it with the serial monitor window open and then reconnect it. when i get the message i close the monitor window unplug it and reconnect it back, it usually clears it. hope that helped.
When I attempted to reselect the Serial Port I couldn't, it was blacked out. I also uploaded an image of what it looked like. > 
Arduino img.bmp (262 KB)
that looks like Windows. Did you install the driver for the Uno? Has this ever worked before with the same computer?
I got an error that said "Serial port 'COM1' not found. Did you select the right one from the Tools > Serial Port menu?". Can somebody help me please?
You can list the available serial port devices in Windows using the Device Manager. Any serial ports would be listed under "Ports (COM & LPT)". If you plug in your Arduino and the USB driver is installed correctly and working, you should see a port appear here. When you unplug the Arduino, it will go away again. If you don't get that behaviour then it implies that the Arduino USB driver is not installed and working correctly.
How do I get the driver?