Good evening.
I recently purchased an Arduino Uno from adafruit, and an LED light kit as well. Following the install guides I got it all set up and it work as it should, however randomly at no set time or while doing any certain thing the board just stops communicating with the Com port/PC.
The board still functions as if I hit the reset it cycles through the colors on the LED's and then the green power on is on, only it is not receiving data from the PC. The software I use all will throw an error. Rebooting solves the problem... When the error occurs Windows shows the com port still working correctly and so I don't feel it is a hardware issue on the PC. Something happening with the arduino but I have no clue what.
I've tried fresh windows installs, running on my other PC's..other...but cannot solve this isssue. I thought I had it solved and had an interference or wiring problem but after 36 hours of working which I did not touch the compute or board, it randomly stopped again.
I am at a loss.
I run Windows 7 64 Bit and simply have the board hooked up via USB.
H77 Motherboard
i3 3225k
GPU HD 7770
LED are powered by power cable
Thanks in advance..I am really frustrated. Could be bad board?