Arduino Uno Port Monitor Error

Port monitor error: command 'open' failed: Invalid serial port. Could not connect to COM7 serial port.

I get this error when I try to upload a code. Can someone help me?

Welcome to the forum

Does Windows recognise the board and create a COM port when you plug the board into the PC ?

Can you see COM7 when you choose Tool/Port in the IDE menu ?

Yesi I can see it.


Hi @serkandinc. Please tell us which USB to serial adapter chip your Arduino board has. This is a black chip near the USB socket.

The chip will usually be identified by writing on the top. This might say something like "Atmel MEGA16U2" or "WCH CH340G" or "SILABS CP2102".


Microchip ATmega16U2



MakeMagazinDE - CC BY-SA 4.0 (cropped)




SparkFun - CC BY-SA 4.0 (cropped)

If it isn't clear, alternatively you can provide the link to where you bought the board from and we'll see if we can determine the chip from the product listing.

The chip is "Atmel MEGA328P".

That is the main processor chip. What about other chips on the board ?

I just uninstalled the port in device manager and plug the arduino back. The problem is solved. Thanks for taking time to deal with my problem.

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