The goal is generate exact value of pulses in high frequency using fast PWM mode in the Timer/Counter unit. I notice that there are interrupts like T/C overflow flag(TOVn) and compare flag (OCFnx) that will be set each time the timer counter reach TOP. I believe that this is similar to PWM_ISR1 in Arduino DUE. Ideally if I can know when the interrupt is set I can include a counter with it to count the number of pulses.
So my questions are:
Q1) Are there any ways to read the value of TOVn or OCFnx?
Q2) Are there any functions similar to PWM_Handler(DUE) in Arduino Uno which I can add counter in it?
I am welcome if there are any other suggestions for me to achieve my goal.
Thank you.
Here's a sample initialization of timer0 to generate a 10ms ticker using output compare interrupt
volatile uint16_t timer0_flag = 0;
// 10 ms ticker
void setup()
void loop()
if(timer0_flag > 99)
timer0_flag = 0;
// do something every second
// system clock runs at 16 MHz
void timer0_init(void)
// CTC mode
TCCR0A = 1<<WGM01 | 0<<WGM00;
TCCR0B = 0<<WGM02;
// enable output compare interrupt
// compare match every 10 ms
OCR0A = 156;
// start timer 0 (1024 DIV), timer 0 runs at 15625 Hz (16MHz/1024)
TCCR0B = 0<<WGM02 | 1<<CS02 | 0<<CS01 | 1<<CS00;
You can change the frequency of the interrupt by modifying the 0CR0A register (the TOP value), and the clock pre-scaler (these bits x<<CS02 | x<<CS01 | x<<CS00)
Do note that modifying timer0 will render millis() and delay() useless
I just finished go through the timers tutorial from Nick Gammon (, and tested out with his examples, after modify my code it is more or less the same with yours hzrnbgy, just I am using different mode and different pre-scaller.
The functions ISR(TIMERx_COMA_vect) and ISR(TIMERx_OVF_vect) are what I am looking for, going to test with different modes and interrupt later.