arduino uno r3 and sparkfun microSD Shield (vol.init failed SD errorCode: 0X4 )

I have using SPARKFUN microSD Shield for data logging. Firstly i run the code SdInfo.pde, it show the following error code. I try to reformat many times, but still getting the same result. I have google it for the solution, some website stated that the power supply need to change to 5v instead of 3.3v? but I using 6 and 8 pins header for the board n direct fix it top of arduino. It there any bug on the SdFAT library or the hardware issues ?


SPARKFUN microSD Shield
Lexar micro SD 8GB
Format Fat32

type any character to start

init time: 11 ms

Card type: SDHC
readCID failed
SD errorCode: 0X10
SD errorData: 0XFF

after i tried enter and enter it will display different error message.

type any character to start

init time: 11 ms

Card type: SDHC

Manufacturer ID: 0X28
Product: LEXAR
Version: 0.0
Serial number: 886506687
Manufacturing date: 11/2011

readCSD failed
SD errorCode: 0X10
SD errorData: 0XFF

type any character to start

init time: 11 ms

Card type: SDHC

Manufacturer ID: 0X28
Product: LEXAR
Version: 0.0
Serial number: 886506687
Manufacturing date: 11/2011

cardSize: 15644672 (512 byte blocks)
flashEraseSize: 128 blocks
eraseSingleBlock: true

SD Partition Table

vol.init failed
SD errorCode: 0X4
SD errorData: 0XFF

type any character to start

init time: 11 ms

Card type: SDHC
readCID failed
SD errorCode: 0X10
SD errorData: 0XFF

These errors are basic hardware errors and are not related to the SD card's format. They are errors reading the card's CID and CSD registers. This has nothing to do with data on the card or the card's format.

Can you try another SD? The SD is accessed in SPI mode on Arduino so the fact that you can access the card form a PC or Mac does not prove the card works in SPI mode.

Do u mean change the microSD card or the microSD shield board. i do brought another SD card brand SanDisk (2 gb). i try to format it with FAT16 and FAT 32, but also get the same result. So what should i do now ? It there any success project can refer to. Or anyone who using other type of microSD Shield is successful write and read and mind to share yr experience with me ?

Now i have refer to this website. MicroSD Shield and SD Breakout Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn . i dl the library n copy the sample code is not working.

If you have tried two SD cards and they both fail with Sparkfun examples you should contact Sparkfun. It is likely a problem with the Sparkfun shield.

Once again your errors are not due to the card format. They are basic communication failures with the SD card.

You should not format cards of 2 GB or less with FAT32 filesystems. FAT16 is more efficient on smaller cards.

The SD formatter here will produce the optimal format for your card. This program is provided by the SD association and complies with the SD format standard.