I have (had?) an Arduino UNO Rev 3
Please read updates below.. It looks like the TX pin is shorted to the 5v pin..
Is there anything I can do to fix this?
I'm not sure when/why it stopped working. It would be either while I was messing with the ambient light setup which was working perfectly.. could have accidentally shorted something..
Or while trying this..
I powered it up from the 5v pin. I tried to upload a blank sketch (Bare Minimum from the examples) thats when I this problem popped up.
While uploading sketches Arduino IDE reports this error
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
Tried the loopback test
a) Connected GND to RESET ... and RX to TX..
b) Removed the ATMEGA328 from the socket and connected RX to TX
In both cases when I use the serial monitor there is no echo..
When I type something in serial monitor and hit enter. The RX on the Arduino UNO blinks.. TX does not blink..
Same thing happens while uploading sketches..
The LED on pin 13 is always powered up.
When i upload a sketch PIN13 led blinks around 4-5 times.. LED on 13 turns off.. then the RX blinks 3 times.. LED on 13 turns and stays ON again... END..
Are there any other tests I could do to determine the problem?
Or should I consider my new lil UNO dead? =(
- Tested using the multimeter and the 5v pins reads 4.75v.
- 3.3v pin reads 3.4v
- Removed the ATMEGA328PU from the socket before testing further from this point
- TX Pin reads 4.8v
- Multimeter shows no continuity between 5v pin and TX pin