I am working on a beginner project, and am having an issue that causes complete power loss on the Arduino when both the 5V and GND connections are in place from the Arduino to the breadboard.
If i just connect one of either the 5V or GND, then I can get the servo and motors working, but still have issues. Once I connect them both, the Arduino just shuts down.
I have rewired everything many times as well as changing out the breadboard and servo. When I removed everything else in the cabling and just left the 5V and the GND in place the Arduino stayed powered. This is my first real project; am I just missing something simple here?
Thanks for the response. I have a separate 6V supply into the breadboard, but not into a power rail. It goes into row 19, which connects to the motor driver and the servo. Does that make sense or should it come into a the power rail and then be cabled over?
It goes into row 19, which connects to the motor driver and the servo. Does that make sense or should it come into a the power rail and then be cabled over?
It makes sense. The schematic seems OK; the 'power rail' is just a horizontal rail and you use a vertical rail; no issues with that.
I can't spot the error right away... But I do miss the diodes. Datasheet states:
On the L293, external high-speed output clamp diodes should be used for inductive transient suppression.
Also I would PWM the enable line for speed and use logic levels for the A lines. Saves PWM pins and the motor can freerun in between the pulses. If you PWM the A line it will brake when the PWM line is low.