Hello! My name is Simon.
I have a great project and I was excited about it. When I was wiring everything up I made a short circuit with Arduino board. The smoke came from my Bootloader (Memory I call it). I bought new ones and it's still not working. When I try to upload a code on it 2 red LEDs shine and nothing else happens. RESET button is not woking. I can't upload anything on it. Can anyone help me please?
The thing with it I burnt it was Power Supply 12V 2A.
Once the magic smoke escapes, it can't be put back in.
I'm guessing you mean the smoke came from the big socketed chip, not the bootloader/memory (a bootloader is just code in memory, and the memory is not separate on that board). The processor can be removed and replaced, you just need to buy a new Atmega 328p-pu and insert it. You will also need to program a bootloader onto the chip before you can upload sketches to it (you need either another Arduino with the Arduino as ISP sketch loaded, or a dedicated ISP programmer to do this), or you can get 328p's with the bootloader pre-programmed from a few sources. Simply buying a new chip from DigiKey, Mouser, etc and plopping it in will not allow you to upload to it.
If after ensuring a bootloader is on the chip, it still doesn't work, then most likely you toasted either the USB interface chip (which cannot be replaced), or the voltage regulator (which can be replaced but takes some skill). Shorts tend to break multiple things in my experience.
FYI, that board looks like a clone (technically counterfeit) to me, not an official Arduino Uno. It will likely work fine (aside from your short issue), but you never know, fakes from China are what they are.
Okay, thanks for a reply!
Hmm, well I bought new (Memory) and if I understand right I have to pragrame it. Can you explain me how?
Again, you did not buy memory (or if you did, it will never work). You hopefully bought a microprocessor (Atmega 328p). There is a very big difference, stop calling it memory.
To bootload, you have two options.
Option 1: Use a second Arduino (does not have to be an Uno, a Mega works, as do others), either your own or a friend's and follow the directions on either of these 2 links:
- Gammon Forum : Electronics : Microprocessors : Atmega bootloader programmer
- http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoISP
Option 2: Use an ISP programmer. I highly doubt you have one, and a second Arduino will serve you better for now.
okay. Thank you!