As you may know, Arduino Uno R4 is great, but NOT fully compatible with Arduino Uno R3. Therefore, I created a series of Arduino Uno R4 tutorials for beginners
I tested Arduino R4 WiFi with components such as keypad, OLED, LCD I2C, various sensors.... If a library works with Uno R3, but not for R4, I find other one. For example, Arduino UNO R4 - Keypad 3x4
We also improve some mistakes that existing on the internet. For example, interfacing with 5V and 3.3V tolerant sensors, powering servo motor...:
You have someone else's TradeMark on their images that you used then watermarked with your URL? It would be a good idea to remove their drawings and make your own drawings. It only takes a little time.
Yes, It is right. For blogging, it is not new. But for commercial, I started almost 2 years. It is till new for me. I need to learn more about commercial regulation and commercial-related regulation. I hope I can learn something from this thread. Any recommendation are welcome! Especially related to the forum posting.
Thank you!
Hello, Thank you for asking
I myself created those image using Fritzing and PowerPoint. I own the copyright on those images. In each image on my blogs, I clearly stated that I used Fritzing to create the image, to follow Fritzing's policy.
I've been in business for over 30 years. There is no end of people (usually not in business) who will tell you what you must and must not do. This is a good example.
If it's yours, then that is that, and you're done.
If someone claims to be the owner,then engage with them and sort out how you both want to handle it.
For all else, "Thank you for your advice. Have a nice day"
People who present themselves as self proclaimed police on any subject, raising barriers, and grandstanding big moral claims, are usually bored little minds who are currently unemployed, or well under experienced. Don't even respond to these.
Thank you, very much. I spend a little time trying to keep a little bit of it in order... as the community requests and allows. I ask the few who might have strayed from the guidelines to return it to order.
Are you aware there is space reserved for "showcases" on this forum, or do you just need to let off steam?
Cute... Have any questions?
Keep your lies inside your head, or seek help. You classify a janitor as police? I wonder where you classify secretaries, and mercy if someone is a freelance genius.
... and now you resort to name calling... you are the top of the haufen.
Well, yes, and no. I worked long and hard to get here. You will understand some day if you work long and hard, and stop yelling at clouds.
Programming, electronics are one of my free hobbies (I get paid for the others). I get to have these, at any time I want. You try to use it as a slur, but I am basking in the glory of unemployment... here's a toy I made... I give it to you...