Arduino UNO, RF 433 Sniffer, remote control Tedsen SKX4LC


I am trying clone the SKX4LC remote with the demo sketch that comes with RCSwitch lib, without success... I am stuck not being able to receive any data from the remote.

I am using Arduino UNO R3 and a 4 pin 433 MHz reciever (same as used here). To verify that the reciever is working, I put together a sender with another Arduino - then it works just fine and the sniffer is receiving data.

Have anyone of you out there cloned a Tedsen SKX4LC remote (or compatible)? Of so, please advice.

Did you test you are actually able to recieve from the remote? The Arduino sketch - Receiver sketch from the link you posted would be a good place to start.

If you can recieve (LED lights blink when buttons pressed on the remote) then maybe your remote uses an encoding thats not supported by RCSwitch. There are likely to be a number of threads on that topic already if you search the forum.

Thanks for the reply,

Yes, the LED is blinking on the remote.
Yes, I tried the sketch from the link just to see if anything is received - and it is.

I think you probably are right about the encoding.

I will keep searching and trying :slight_smile:


actually trying nearly the same. Got an SKX4WD Sender and need to clone to make some IP - RF Bridge to open the door with the smartphone. Don´t want to use a Wemos with Relay Shield to use the trigger input on the door. In this case the door could open by switch off/on Supply. That´s not very nice.

Do you got the thing running ? Maybe some hint ? Couldn´t read something with RCSwitch library. Other simple Remote from wallplugs no probs to read and clone.