Arduino Uno+Sensor Shield with 10 DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

Hello. I need a real big help here. I'm a newbie in coding and using Arduino. Since this project is related to my Final Year project, i really need help here. I need to do a multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors, which is 10, using Arduino Uno + Arduino Sensor Shield V4.0 to measure a DIY water bath.

I really can found any sources from the internet that using Sensor Shield since all of the sites that i visited were using breadboard insyead of the sensor shield. Can anyone please help me. Furthermore, below is my current coding that i think might work, but somehow the serial monitor showing rapidly 'error' all the way.

#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>

#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 3

OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

int sensorPin = A0;
int sensorPin = A1;
int sensorPin = A2;
int sensorPin = A3;
int sensorPin = A4;
int sensorPin = A5;
int sensorPin = A6;
int sensorPin = A7;
int sensorPin = A8;
int sensorPin = A9;
float tempC;

void setup()
pinMode (A, Input);


void loop()
int val;
Serial.print("Sensor ");
Serial.print(" : ");
tempC = sensors.getTempCByIndex(i);
Serial.print((char)176);//shows degrees character
Serial.print("C | ");



int sensorPin = A0;
int sensorPin = A1;
int sensorPin = A2;
int sensorPin = A3;
int sensorPin = A4;
int sensorPin = A5;
int sensorPin = A6;
int sensorPin = A7;
int sensorPin = A8;
int sensorPin = A9;

so, you are getting a duplicate definition error?

pinMode (A, Input);

and a "A" not defined.... maybe?


Trying to take an analog value from your serial port?

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What you posted does not compile. I suspect partly because you didn't use code tags when you posted it.

You are right, you definitely took the wrong project. Anybody in their final year would know that there is no operational difference between a breadboard and a shield, they are both simply means of connecting a sensor to the processor but, since you are trying to analogue read a digital device, it is a pretty fair bet that you are not in your final year at anything, and you are just trying to get somebody else to do your homework, while you haven't a clue. This is called cheating. As any first year student will tell you, all you need do is use a library example for something like this, but it might actually help if you understand what "one wire" means.