Arduino uno switch on/off standby

Hi there!

I am a total newbie in Arduino and absolutely noob in electronics but it makes me fun to play with the subject.

My question, as understandable from the subject, is whether it's possible to turn the full Arduino module off and on by pressing just one button. I mean to turn it off while it's connected to the PC via USB so that the device didn't appear in device manager tab and green standby light was off. I searched forum and google but didn't find exactly the same threads. People asked for deep sleep, or turn on|off while battery connected and the projects seemed to be a little difficult for me. I hope there is a simple solution like one or several buttons + simple code in ide.

Thanks in advance for your time and help.

Some powered USB hubs have a switch and sometimes that switch turns everything off.
Why do you want to disconnect the Arduino from the computer ?

It is a good question, but a little odd. Do you know, for example, a wired USB mouse or wired USB keyboard that can be turned on/off by pressing one button ?

Without the USB supply it's easy. Latching power supply. You can also use it to have the Arduino switch itself off.

When using USB it may be a bit more complicated due the data lines which you probably would have to switch as well.

Some powered USB hubs have a switch and sometimes that switch turns everything off
Yep, most probably I'll end up with that one (I own one but have no free ports left).

Do you know, for example, a wired USB mouse or wired USB keyboard that can be turned on/off by pressing one button?
No, I don't, but I know other device examples, like printer or monitor.

Why do you want to disconnect the Arduino from the computer?
Don't like it to be powered all the time when I don't use it but don't like to pull the USB cable off manually every time.

BTW, what I mean is: is there solution to make Arduino switch off the same manner USB power HUB does? Just with one jumper.

Don't like it to be powered all the time when I don't use it but don't like to pull the USB cable off manually every time.

If that's the only reason... No harm in leaving it on. Just like you're mouse and all other USB powered devices on your computer.

Otherwise, cut the power. Easiest way with a USB hub with switches. Or cut the power trace (not the GND) from the USB connector on the Arduino and use a separate supply to power the Arduino when you want to.

Arduinos can be programmed to sleep.