I've started working with interrupts on arduino UNO, but after few frustrated sketches, i've found that arduino timer1 is not working as i expected.
For checking this i tried this piece of code:
volatile long timer; //Timer to keep count of the ISR ocurred
void setup(){
cli(); //Disable global interrupts
TCCR1A = 0; //Register set to 0
TCCR1B = 0; //Register set to 0
TCNT1 = 0;
timer++; //Increment timer each ISR
void loop(){
Serial.println(timer); //Print timer value
delay(1000); //Send to serial port every second, so timer should be
//increasing by 1000, but this is the part that fails
when i open the serial monitor it should show the timer increasing by 1000, but thats not case as i see the timer increasing by 1000 at the beginning, but then starting to get higher than expected (34001, 48002...).
I have tried multiple prescalers and different values of counters, but always getting the same result.
Is this a normal behaviour of the interrupts? i don't know if is a bug in mode code (hope so) or if is something wrong with my arduino.
It is normal. It is not a bug in the Arduino software. Your Arduino board is okay.
You delay 1000ms using delay(). That is good enough.
However, you also use : Serial.println(timer);
That function needs execution time, and that is what you see when you print the number of interrupts.
So the interrupts are accurate, the TIMER1 and the crystal are okay. But you don't print it every second.
You can use millis() to keep in perfect pace with the seconds:
volatile long timer; //Timer to keep count of the ISR ocurred
void setup(){
cli(); //Disable global interrupts
TCCR1A = 0; //Register set to 0
TCCR1B = 0; //Register set to 0
TCNT1 = 0;
OCR1A = 15999; //Counter for 1KHz interrupt 16*10^6/1000-1 no prescaler
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12); //CTC mode
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10); //No prescaler
TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A); //Compare interrupt mode
sei(); //Enable global interrupts
timer++; //Increment timer each ISR
void loop(){
// Use millis to do this loop once a second. That is exactly once a second.
static unsigned long old_millis = 0UL; // zero-unsigned-long
if( millis() - old_millis >= 1000UL)
Serial.println(timer); //Print timer value
// advance to next event, regardless the time needed by Serial.println()
old_millis += 1000UL;
The result is: 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, ..... 300000 ..... and so on.
That is a perfect match, since TIMER0 (for millis) and TIMER1 both use the same crystal.
Paste your sketch between [code] ... [/code] tags.
thanks for the answer, i understand what was wrong with my code.
I have another question about timers: when i try this sketch to check my timer i was trying a simple pulse generator, and measuring output freq doesn't mach with expected values (only a minimal difference), does analogwrite o digital write take many processor cycles that effects are noticeable?
The ATmega has an assembly instruction to change an output pin. That one takes 125 ns, but the normal digitalWrite() takes 3 to 4 us. The analogWrite() takes 10 to 12 us.
The ATmega has an assembly instruction to change an output pin. That one takes 125 ns, but the normal digitalWrite() takes 3 to 4 us. The analogWrite() takes 10 to 12 us.
After you set the pin 12 as output: pinMode(12,OUTPUT);
You can do those fast instructions, like this: bitSet(PORTB,4); // pin 12 = PB4, set it HIGH
The compiler will translate that into that fast instruction of 125ns.