Hi everyone
Im trying to send strings from Serial monitor in Arduino UNO, then with SoftwareSerial Send these values to Xbee.Serial() in a basic configuration point to point. So the values received from the sender, receive them in the other Xbee2.serial() and Use the strings in arduino mega with a external power supply to move some steppers.
in xbee's config
Xbee1 xbee2
ID 3332 (default), MY=1 DL0 ---------- ID 3332 MY=0 Dl=1
and the Arduino config
(Arduino mega Receiver Xbee )
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// Connect pin 10 of Arduino to DOUT of Wireless Proto shield
uint8_t ssRX = 10;
// Connect pin 11 of Arduino to DIN of Wireless Proto shield
uint8_t ssTX = 11;
SoftwareSerial nss(ssRX, ssTX);
void setup() {
Serial.println("Serial works");
void loop() {
if (nss.available()>0){
char x=nss.read();
And the sender is the same with the difference (RX TX 2 &3 ) in xbee shield
... if (Serial.available()>0)
char s=Serial.read()
Well i Hope you understand me, i really need to use xbees radio for a project.
Greetings from Chile.