Arduino Uno, Traffic light, and three Crouzet M-OAC5-315 SSR's

Goal: Control a traffic light or any other three items using Arduino Uno, Traffic light, and three Crouzet M-OAC5-315 SSR's

I just was at All Electronics yesterday and in there store they have a Traffic light being controlled by and three Crouzet M-OAC5-315 SSR's

What I want to do is have the same type of circuit but instead of using the auto switching function that the kit uses, I would like to be able to control it using the Arduino. Do I even need the kit? How could I accomplish this using the Kit and the SSR's? Diagrams, Pictures, Links, and Schematics would really help.

I found this and believe it will work, correct me if I am wrong.



Here's an exact application of the SSR's for you. I did the same exact thing with a traffic light and SSRs, so you should be able to follow this exactly: