Arduino Uno USB Serial communication chip issue

My Arduino Uno USB Serial communication chip gets hot when I connect it to my pc please any advise as the tx and rx leds do not come on and when they do they dim back off

The USB-serial chip is probably dead, and the board is probably not worth trying to repair.

Which model Uno do you have?

Uno R3

Not good.

Do you have any idea what led up to this catastrophic failure? Trying to power motors or servos from the 5V Arduino pin is one way to destroy an Arduino, recommended on many terrible Youtube and Instructables "tutorials".

though I was working on motors but with an external power supply, so I do not know the cause really or can low power supply be the case.? As I tested the motors and nothing happened then I checked the batteries which had little power

No. But connecting a powered circuit with an unpowered circuit can lead to damage or malfunction.

I would suspect an accidental connection between the Arduino and the motor power supply.

Yes thank you, the chip can be changed right? as it is the only one giving me issues now or its best to get a new one

Yes, if you are well experienced in surface mount assembly, and have the kit to do it.

Take a look at the chip, does it look easy to replace ?

No am not, and it does not look easy to fix either

can I get a USB to TTL module will it wok

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