Arduino Uno WiFi password

I just purchased an Arduino Uno WiFi board and have it connected to my PC. When using the IDE on my PC, I can upload programs to the Arduino using either the serial port or the wifi. But, if I go to the web editor, it only works from the serial port. If I try to upload using wifi, it asks me for the board password. But, in looking at my board on the webpage connected to it, there is no password, nor do I see how to enter or change one. Can anyone tell me what is going on?

Are you saying you can see a WiFi connect option in CREATE ?

AFAIK Create only supports two modes at the current time.

  1. COM ports
    2.IP address for such as the YUN only.

Things are slightly different with the regular desktop IDE as that has had more development time compared to CREATE.

I'm sorry @rrspencer54, but online editor doesn't support the Uno WiFi board yet. We'll let you know as soon as we implement that.