Arduino Uno Wifi Rev 2 and Arduino IoT Cloud

Hi guys,

I've a question, does somebody knows when this board will be compatible with the Arduino IoT Cloud?

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Take a look at Getting Started With the Arduino IoT Cloud

The recommended page says nothing about when Uno Wifi Rev 2 will finally be included. It's a shame for Arduino, because the board is an expensive original Arduino, not a "China product". The "Uno-Wifi D1" from China and no original Uno can be added.

Not all Arduino WIFI enabled boards are compatible with the Arduino cloud. Check What devices can be used with Arduino IoT Cloud?

hi, there are several entries. It's not a question of "if it's supported" but "when it will finally be supported" because that's been promised for at least 3 years!!!! Read all posts, not just the last one!!! And yes!!!! This is a shame for Arduino to exclude some of their own wifi enabled expensive boards and enable the China Biards!!!! You will be shot at for loyalty!!!

Most of the problems concern the 3.3 V, which means that a lot of sensors, motors, relays, displays don't work... Most of the examples (even the libs) are designed for Arduino... What really annoys me, however, is that " Server", "client", Bluetooth", etc. can be done with board, but not even that is possible, sensor data, "relay circuits" through another board (no matter whether Nano iot, or the shitty ChinaEspressif32) to Arduino IoTcloud... And yes, for the loyalty of buying original boards, one would expect that instead of "China boards" the original Arduino's would be "upgraded".... I am very disappointed... Arduino wifi is easier to use, like Nano, or MKR...
Instead of efforts, Arduino brings a new board from Wifi rev4)

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