Hi there,
I was trying to check my Arduino Uno wifi rev 2, to connect to my router/modem. I installed the wifiina library. Created the rules.d in /etc/udev/99-arduino-uno-wifi-ref2.rules. The OS I use is Ubuntu 22.04. I selected the device Arduino Uno WiFi rev2 and the appropriate port on the EDI 2.2.1. To check my board I use one of the example programs ConnectWithWPAEnterprise renamed and saved it. I created a file called arduino_secrets.h with my SSID of the modem router, the users ID of the Modem router and the password of that user and stored it in the same directory as the renamed example program. I know that data is read (checked with Serial.Println.
After compiling the program The program starts and keeps given the message "Attempting to connect to WPA SSID:". I also tested it with a separate power supply, but no change.
The only thing I can think of, is that the SSID contains blanks and special character "!" and ".", but that should not be a problem since many devices are already to my network, also 3 unos with ehternet shield, but on the other hand.
I do not have a clue what might be wrong, pleas help!