Arduino UNO Wifi Rev2 will not recognize DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

(I know someone posted about this previously, but it the other post didn't help my situation)
I'm trying to connect my DS18B20 temperature sensor to my Arduino, but it won't recognize that the sensor is plugged in. I know I have the correct code and libraries downloaded because I copied and pasted them all into Wokwi and ran a successful simulation (Image attached). I'm thinking it has something to do with the wires or the breadboard I'm using? (I just bought them and the breadboard) Or some way I have my breadboard setup? I have no clue how to troubleshoot something like this and it's been wracking my brain for the past couple of days, so any help at all would be appreciated.

I can post pics in the comments of what I mean (It won't let me post pics on my topic for some reason)

How it's supposed to look.

How it looks.

My setup.

I don't see a resistor in the scheme. Did you forget about it?

PS never insert screenshots as replacements of the code. It is a violation of the forum rules.

You have 3.3v connected to the output, not a wise thing to do !

Are you using the latest version of the One Wire Library?

I did forget the resistor. The system is up and running now. I appreciate the help!

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