I wanna make PCB for ARDUINO Uno but cant handle SMD Packs.Where can I find eagle (.brd) or ISIS (.LYT) file with the ATmega8's with DIP Package? Please help..
The hard part will be the USB-to-Serial chip. I don't think they are available in through-hole packages.
You can find USB/Serial modules that can plug onto cards - price is comparable to buying all the bits and you don't have to mess with the really small FT232RL chip.
mikroe483 at mouser.com
or, mangle an e-bay solution onto a board.
Eagle files can be found on the Products page. "hardware index" at the bottom will get you to older boards.
I wanna make PCB for ARDUINO Uno but cant handle SMD Packs.Where can I find eagle (.brd) or ISIS (.LYT) file with the ATmega8's with DIP Package? Please help..
The ATmega8 footprint is readily available in Eagle and is the same for the ATmega328 used by the Uno.