Arduino Uno with ESP01 Wifi

Hello everyone, i am struggling with my school project. By the way i am new with arduino uno coding. My project is all about Sending MQ7 gas sensor data to my database (Xampp) using ESP01 wifi Module as the data tranceiver to my database. PLEASE HAVE PITY ON ME :frowning: i found some tutorials likely same with my project but so many errors where involved. please Help me. God bless

There is no way for us to help you without a lot more information.

Please post your full sketch.

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Please do this:

  • When you encounter an error, you'll see a button on the right side of the orange bar "Copy error messages" in the Arduino IDE (or the icon that looks like two pieces of paper at the top right corner of the black console window in the Arduino Web Editor). Click that button..
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Provide a detailed explanation of what you're struggling with.

Seems to be a quite inappropriate choice of parts. The project may have been made deliberately difficult for you! :astonished:

Apparently you want to encode an analog input from the gas sensor rather than a simple "yes/ no".

The ESP-01 does not have the analog input of the ESP chip brought out (though it is in there!) but just about any other ESP- module does. If you simply used a WeMOS D1 Mini, you could connect the gas sensor directly (with a voltage divider) to the ESP and it would be much, much simpler to assemble and to code since you have to code only one Arduino-like device and not concern yourself with communications between two of them.