I am using the Arduino Uno R3 for my guitar pedal and have soldered all of my components into the maker shield and everything is connected correctly as far as i can see. I have also tested the connections with a multimeter. The arduino itself works no problem when by itself and powered by the USB but when it is in the circuit and connected to the USB or the actual 9Volt battery in the circuit i get nothing at all not even the power switch on the Arduino. Im sure its something simple causing the problem but i cant seem to figure it out.
Any help would be great!
Do you have a schematic?
http://www.instructables.com/file/F6DPG7PGZMIUHMJ this is it here!
but when it is in the circuit and connected to the USB or the actual 9Volt battery in the circuit i get nothing at all not even the power switch on the Arduino.
- the battery is flat.
or - you have wired it up wrong and either are not supplying power to the arduino or there is a short.
There must be some issue with the power lines. Make sure That the positive & negatives are properly soldered & positioned. I shall suggest you to do the circuit in a fresh breadboard/prototyping board & check if it works or not. This is good practice to do the circuit in the breadboard first & then make it on a veroboard.
i had breadboarded it and everything worked accordingly beforehand... should the voltage at pin a0 and the 5v be checked when the circuit is in full swing and connected to the amplifier? when i connect the usb to power the circuit the arduino heats up very quickly so i havnt tried to do that again. the battery isnt flat either i checked it
i had breadboarded it and everything worked accordingly beforehand... should the voltage at pin a0 and the 5v be checked when the circuit is in full swing and connected to the amplifier? when i connect the usb to power the circuit the arduino heats up very quickly so i havnt tried to do that again. the battery isnt flat either i checked it
You have a short somewhere. Check your wiring carfully.