Arduino UNO & xBee without shield

Good evening,

I'm looking into how to connect an xBee directly to the Arduino without a shield. I know I can directly go 3.3v of the arduino to the xBee, and the TX of the xBee to the RX of the Arduino as the arduino should accept 3.3V logic? But what is the best way for me to convert the TX 5v of the arduino to 3.3v?

I've seen it done with resistors and diodes, but I've also seen information about how they aren't the best solution. I do have some 6N138 but they invert logic and I'm not looking to use softwareSerial...

Is there any smaller chip I could use to help me achieve what I'm after? I don't want to buy an modules as I'm limited on space so something I can solder to my PCB...


Something like this RXTX translating small enough? You can also use these BSS138 with smd resistors just like the logic level converter from Sparkfun, or you could just use one of the modules from Sparkfun if you can spare 3/4x1 in.

I managed to find: (SN74LVC244AN) which I believe would suit also? I'm after through hole connector.

Does anybody know of any UK places which may stock a 2.0mm to 2.54mm pitch converter? So I'm able to plug the Xbee (2mm) directly into a 2.54mm spaced PCB