Arduino Upload on Macbook pro 3,1 with El Capitan

Last months since the release of the OS X El Capitan for Mac, I can´t anymore to make correct Upload from the files to the Arduino board, and in all the tutorials that I read you show up and make some suggestions to the people who have similar troubles like mine, and I think You're an Expert in this. So I'm writingif anyone solved the problem with this version of Mac OS X in the Macbook Pro 3,1.

My trouble it's that I have an Old Macbook Pro (MacBook Pro 3,1 from mid of 2006/2007) that I show the features of the that show up when I read the USB details of the computer, after explain what happens since I install the El Capitan (already reinstall the Yosemite and the upload does just fine without any errors).
If I install the OS X El Capitan in Macbook Pro 3,1 from mid of 2006/2007 and try to upload any file to the original Arduino Uno R3 (even the blink example or others from the example list), with the right board chosen (Arduino/Genuino Uno), the right serial port (/dev/cu.usbmodem1d11 (Arduino/Genuino Uno)), trying different cables, different USB serial ports of the computer, already try and install FTDI drivers that I think that does nothing because this board of Arduino uses an Atmel chip and not an FTDI (but it's just what I think, but I'm not an expert) and that even if uses an FTDI chip, the OS X usually got it.
So, if I upload any file to the Arduino Uno R3, the error that shows up it's: avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
If I upload any file to the Arduino Mega 2560 (think that a chinese version), the error that shows up it's: avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
If I reinstall the Yosemite on the same computer, the upload does just fine without any errors.

One thing that I noticed it's that on the Arduino IDE, where I choose the serial door, on the Yosemite it shows three doors:
/dev/cu.usbmodem1d11 (Arduino/Genuino Uno)

and on the El Capitan only shows up two doors:
/dev/cu.usbmodem1d11 (Arduino/Genuino Uno)

on the OS X El Capitan the /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Modem door disappears.

Already tried some terminal lines that disables kext (don't know what I do when do that, but try anyway) and nothing. For what I read until now, from the Yosemite to the El Capitan, theres some changes on the kext extensions, that affects the operation of the USB serial ports.
Already take a look at some info.plist files on the IOUSBFamily.kext and IOUSBFamilyHost.kext and when I read some of that files I noticed that my version of Macbook Pro 3,1 does not appears. The oldest Macbook Pro that shows up in the file it's the Macbook Pro 5,1 and with that I think that it's Why I can't upload files from the computer to the Arduino boards by the USB serial ports (cause they does not exist on the lists that are available to do that), so the El Capitan does not allow this version of Macbook Pro 3,1 to communicates whit external Arduino boards by USB (I think, but how to change that??).
Already try rename the folder that was a folder named "Arduino15 and called her "Arduino15 Old" and delete the and downloaded her again.
Already try using a manual reset: Hold down the Reset button on the Arduino. Click on the Upload button in the IDE. Release the Reset button when the RX LED blinks.

One think that I do not do it's to bootload the Arduino Board from another Arduino Board, because they work just fine on another computers and even in this one if when I upload I was working with the Yosemite version of the OS X.

Sorry if I'm not very good explaining the trouble, but it's so many Months trying and trying all the ways that the people says on the forums and tutorials, and now I'm very confusing whit all I already do to solve that. I think that only a really expert in Arduino and Macbook OS X could help, cause it's need knowledge in the Arduino boards and in the OS X to know why the drivers are not compatible with this Macbook Pro version and the El Capitan version of OS X. What changes from Yosemite to El Capitan to do that??
This is the details that show up on this Macbook Pro 3,1 with the OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6 in the Arduino IDE 1.6.13:
Bus USB:

Recurso do controlador do host: AppleUSBUHCIPCI
ID do dispositivo PCI: 0x2834
ID da revisão PCI: 0x0003
ID do fabricante PCI: 0x8086

Arduino Uno:

ID do produto: 0x0043
ID do fabricante: 0x2a03
Versão: 0.01
Número de série: 75439323735351A042A2
Velocidade: Até 12 Mb/s
Fabricante: Arduino Srl
ID da localização: 0x1a200000 / 1
Corrente disponível (mA): 1000
Corrente necessária (mA): 100
Corrente adicional em funcionamento (mA): 0

Thanks for the help, and hope that are someone able to help resolving this situation, cause I need to install El Capitan and only could install when could upload files from there to Arduino boards.

Think that what it's need to change it's on the OS X .kext files, but don't have the know how to do that.

Best regards,
Valdemar Leiras