Arduino using data from webpage

Folks, I want to use my arduino with ethernet shield to access the following webpage "Sea Area Forecast - Met Éireann - The Irish Meteorological Service" and take some information.

On the website it has a line "Small Craft Warning"- This is always either "In Operation" or "Nil".

Basically i want to hook up a RGB LED to the duino and if "Small Craft Warning" is "in Operation" i want LED to be Red, and if "Nil" LED can be green.

My issue is i cant figure out hot to go about getting the information from the webpage.- Can the arduino read this directly?

I am confident with arduino but this is my first web based project!

Any Tips or advice would be savage helpful Thanks

Should be pretty straight forward. The sketch needs to request the page, and then read the response line-by-line.

When it finds a line containing "Small Craft Warning:" it then needs to check for the string "In Operation" or "Nil" on that line and light the red or green light accordingly.

I don't have an ethernet shield, so I can't suggest a sketch, but I do have ESP-based arduino, which is a WiFi board. The sketch will be 95% the same for an arduino with an ethernet shield I would imagine.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

WiFiClient client;

#define RED_LED D2
#define GRN_LED D1

void setup() {

  pinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(GRN_LED, OUTPUT);

  Serial.print("Connecting to Wifi");

  WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // Station Mode
  WiFi.begin("SSID", "password");

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  Serial.print("OK\nWiFi connected, IP address: ");


void loop() {

  if (!client.connect("", 80)) {
    Serial.println("Connection to host failed");
  else {

    Serial.println("Reading page");

    client.println("GET /forecasts/sea-area.asp HTTP/1.1");
    client.println("Connection: close");

    while (client.connected()) {

      String line = client.readStringUntil('\n');

      if (line.indexOf("Small Craft Warning:") >= 0) {


        digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);
        digitalWrite(GRN_LED, LOW);
        if (line.indexOf("In Operation") >= 0) {
          digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH);
        else if (line.indexOf("Nil") >= 0) {
          digitalWrite(GRN_LED, HIGH);

    Serial.println("Connection closed");



Thanks Paul, ill try t out.

This lines is catching me out in my head.

if (line.indexOf("Small Craft Warning:") >= 0) { What is this line doing?


digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(GRN_LED, LOW);
if (line.indexOf("In Operation") >= 0) {
digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH);
else if (line.indexOf("Nil") >= 0) {
digitalWrite(GRN_LED, HIGH);

"line" is a String object variable which holds the line of text that was most recently read from the web page. String objects have a method called IndexOf() which searches for a given piece of text within the text it holds. if it finds the given text, it returns its offset from the left. If it cannot find it, it returns -1.

Some alternate methods (not better or worse, just different)

  • Use a .php script housed somewhere to 'scrape' the page for you and do the parsing.

  • See if the site in question has an API or webservice to 'call' and get this info returned.