I am currently using ATMega168's, AVR-GCC, a USBASP programmer for project development. By using USBASP and In Circuit Programming I do not need a bootstrap loader and save 2K of program space. Besides the obvious advantage of being able to connect directly to the project with USB am I missing some other advantages of the Arduino approach?
I guess the best way to find out is to buy one and discover it myself but would be interested in your comments.
The arduino provides a lot of code to simplify things for the beginner (or lazy time constrained experienced) microcontroller programmer. There are also compatible code libraries for various peripherals, and modular hardware (shields) to simplify interconnects to said peripherals.
Since you've got a hardware programmer and already familiar with microcontrollers, you may find using the arduino hardware and available shields to give you a pre-fabbed hardware advantage, or you may find the software library gives you tools to whip out some complex software fairly quickly using custom (non-arduino) hardware. Or you could find you're happy with what you already have. :).
Thanks so much for your feedback. I suspect starting with the Arduino would have saved me much time and frustration getting to the basic level I'm at now with makefiles etc. I had a few board made up for the ATMega 48/88/168 that provide the clock, regulator, a few transistors to drive larger loads and an op amp for low level signals. and a 2X16 LCD mounts on it nicely to provide output. So far I have used it to build a battery charger, power supply voltage/current monitor, Alternator regulator and amp hour meter. I like the idea of using a separate programmer to save board space and cost on each project but I'm on my own.
The big advantage I see to the Arduino is the huge community to share ideas and projects with. I think I'll order one today to experiment with. Thinking of building the MPGuino to watch my hard earned dollars get burned up in the car.