Arduino water pump controller

Hi everyone !
I'm kind of new with Arduino and I need some help as I found nothing on the web.
Here's my problem : I have this water pump I want to use and control water flow with an Arduino Uno, directly connected to my laptop. I would prefer, if possible, not to use an external battery.
Does anyone knows how to do it ? What should I buy to be able to control the pump, how do I have to connect the components with the Arduino Uno and what kind of code should I write ?

Thanks in advance to anyone who will help me

The pump runs on 12V, so you will need a 12V power supply and a suitable Arduino-compatible relay or switch module.

you need a power supply for your pump and a MOSFET or relay that you'll drive from the Arduino side

I'm surprised you did not find anything... googling for "arduino water pump" returns 4 300 000 results....

(seems you speak French, so have a look at this blog page as well as this one from @hbachetti)

What kind of code should you write? It really actually depends on what you want the pump to do... so if you want help with that you have to provide some details on that...

Thanks to everyone,
Of course I found a lot of projects online I was just wondering if it was possible to not use the external, but I think it's not, thanks for the links @J-M-L,
To answer to @anon57585045, I want to use Arduino to command pump debit directly from the laptop to regulate liquids percentage with two different pumps. I'll try some links I found on the net,
Thanks all again

Hi again everyone,
I've found this project to control my pump, I just replaced the 12V supply with 8x1.5V batteries. However, nothing it's happening when I launch the Arduino program; I would like to attach a picture of what I did but the forum is not allowing me to do that, the only thing changing from the link is the batteries instead of the supply, can anyone help me understand what might be wrong?
Thank you again

It will be difficult to help without more details of the hardware. Have you tried running the pump directly from the batteries, without any Arduino?

Hi, @gauthierb02

Please read the post at the start of any forum , entitled "How to use this Forum".

Tom.... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

That project uses a relay to control the pump motor. Are you using such a relay and does the relay operate?

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