Just getting started with the Arduino after receiving it as a great Christmas gift.
The serial monitor in the windows IDE works fine on the example project (love meter) that I built, and is able to monitor the serial port temperature updates, however when I try to use the web editor, it begins to display the serial data, but then displays an error saying the serial port is unavailable. If I click it again it will begin to work but will disconnect shortly again.
Not sure why this is happening, but I really like the idea of the web IDE and would prefer to keep using it.
I am having the same issue -- the windows ide works fine, serial monitor and all. However, the web serial monitor gives the disconnect message after working only briefly -- after clicking on the Serial Monitor menu item. It can be reset, but will stop shortly after each time.
Does not appear to be my power management settings.
Same issue here. Streaming serial. Works fine in native (non-browser) serial monitor but web editor IDE serial monitor displays "Serial Port Unavailable" after no time or just briefly displaying the data.
"ME TOO" or "SAME HERE" isn't going to get much attention.
I am going to refer you HERE first then you can either edit your original post or start a new thread with all the required information..
Part of that for CREATE is.
OS including version ?
Browser you use including version ?
Types of USB port being used with the Arduinos ?
Arduino board type being used ? (doesnt matter if its a clone)
Copies of any error reports seen. (PLEASE use code tags ( </> ) to post those errors) ?
Other things to try to get a bit more information.
Before loading any sketches got straight to PREFERENCES and turn on ALWAYS SHOW OUTPUT PANEL and CONSOLE SHOW VERBOSE OUTPUT"
I had this same problem, using a Mega2560 connected to Adafruit Music Maker board and a servo. The problem turned out to be that total power consumption was too great occasionally, causing the serial port to drop out.
Solution - provide input power to the board even when debugging; add a step-down device (a "buck converter") directly wired to the input power, and use that to power the servo. Problem gone.