I've been searching around for quite a while and haven't really found a soup to nuts package/documentation for getting an Arduino online and allowing remote web-based access to control the Arduino.
In terms of what I'm trying to accomplish and What I'm looking for:
Arduino with wifi connectivity - software libs and hardware (Maybe BlackWidow from asynlabs-poor documentation from async)
Webserver on Arduino, to allow, preferably any mobile device to connect to press buttons to control other things on arduino(e.g. home automation) How to do this simply. Libraries? More Memory?
How to make efficient webpages for the arduino and how to send commands for control pins or whatever else
iPhone app integration/control over wifi of the arduino(OSC?)
I feel like all of this information is out there in separate bits, but not many document it well.
Can someone point me to the latest and greatest solutions for these topics and I'd like to try to document this all in one spot(likely this forum and/or a blog) and post my completed code/hardware. Maybe it's out there and I haven't found it.
Also, I've seen some arduino garage door openers, but they're poorly documented and not exaclty what I'm trying to do...One was using python server and whatnot seems way too complicated and it was still running serial commands over the usb.
"Using Relays with Arduino – Turning on the Lights"
It's basically about being able to use an Arduino board to control a 240/110v light (or anything else with a wall plug).
I will put anything else on here i bump into, and put any useful code up too.
I have started a blog of three projects that vary in technical difficulty. They mainly include use of the ethernet shield but the first one is for the Fiat Punto I am going to buy this or next week.
I have listed what I am going to do so please have a read and save the RSS feed if you'd like to keep up to date.
I will be posting any and all links to code etc I use on the blog so you can do any of the things I am going to attempt
The titles a bit cliche but none the less it works! (I did the logo myself! )