Arduino Wifi controlled robot

I would like to make a robot that communicates with a computer over wifi via a laptop on the robot. It would go somewhat like this:

Arduino -> PC -> wifi -> PC -> Joystick

I am mainly wondering how do I get thwe two computers to send data to each other as it will be an ad-hoc(for right now eventually with a router) network rather than a traditional router and modem network. I would like to have a processing sketch running on the computer with the joystick that will a) send back the values from the joystick(X Y button states etc) when the other computer requests that data. and b) handle a video link between the two PCs.
Is this at all feasible???

Well I seem to remember reading that the standard WiFi shield supports ad-hoc mode, but don't rely on my memory.

If it does, it's a just a matter of configuring both ends of the WiFi link. If it doesn't, you'd need to go via a WiFi access point+router instead.

One approach the Zoomcat used for this was to strap the WiFi router to the robot (battery powered) and use Ethernet for the Arduino and video streams, and have the PC associate with the robot iyswim. It makes the robot quite big but gives a nice simple solution.