I'm really new to Arduino so excuse-me if there are some things that I should have known about what I'm going to explain here.
So, I'm working on an IoT project for my Bachelor, and I ordered an official Arduino WiFi Shield. I plugged it on my Uno and ran the example files, everything worked really fine.
As reading the documentation I saw that I should upgrade the Firmware of my WiFi Shield, which I did.
And from this point, I try to use the example files, changing the things that need to be in order to work, but I can't access no webpage! I tried on various networks, all the examples, nothing works.
As an exemple, when I try the WiFiWebClient, here is what I get in the Serial:
AtAttempting to connect to SSID: pxperia
Connected to wifi
SSID: pxperia
IP Address:
signal strength (RSSI):-24 dBm
Starting connection to server...
disconnecting from server.
Nothing shows between "Starting connection to server..." and "disconnecting from server." as it is supposed to.
and in the WifiWebClientRepeat, I get:
AtAttempting to connect to SSID: pxperia
SSID: pxperia
IP Address:
signal strength (RSSI):-25 dBm
connection failed
connection failed
connection failed
connection failed
All my paths are correct, I really don't get it, and as I said, everything worked before the FirmWare update...
I am really in a hurry because the Deadline for my project is on June 12th...
Can anyone help me please?
Thanks in advance,