Arduino wifi shield RED LED error after upgrade


I want to stream data from a e-health sensor shield via wi-fi (udp or OSC).
We bought a wifi shield, didn't seem to work, so I upgraded the firmware as adviced here (via a mac / macport, with the firmware found here : GitHub - arduino/wifishield: Arduino Wifi Shield).

The update seemed OK :
257254 bytes used (101.30%)" - humm, btw, 101.30% ??

And now when I connect my arduino MEGA 2560 + wifi shield, the red light on the shield goes on almost instantly.
And it doesn't connect my network (it did connect but send no data before upgrade... so this is one step backward).

I have tried IDE 1.0.5 and IDE 1.0.4, just to check.
On 1.0.5, WiFi.firmwareVersion() prints "1.0.0" - strange too.

Any idea on what happens ?

If the firmware version reports 1.0.0, the upgrade was either not successful, or you used the wrong firmware.

Use the firmware included with IDE v1.0.5. They are located in these folders.

Here is a post that explains how I cheated on the upgrade.

Thanks a lot.
Yes the upgrade was not done well, with the fils in the last IDE it works.

But... e-health & standard wifi shield don't work together :frowning:

Thanks for your answer anyway.

OK, post a link to the e-health device.