I would like to hear some opinions/suggestions about a project I'm trying to develop.
I'm trying to make a system where an arduino would fetch data from a couple temperature sensors and send them to a webserver I made using a raspberry pi. The raspi will upload the info receive into a database in sqlite3.
So far I have the temperature readings done, the webserver done and I'm starting to study how to send the information from the arduino over the internet with an wifi shield.
My first thought was to just send the data in an URL, accessing the URL from the arduino and in the server I would have a php script catching the data an uploading it to the database.
Any suggestions how to make the arduino just access the URL with something like www.somewebsite.com/index.php?temp1=XXX&temp2=YYY and so on? For this operation is not necessary having any return from the website (later I will had a remote control but thats another story)
Also could someone "guide" me how to send data from one place to another in a secure way? Probably I will have to use some kind of encrypting?
I need a raspi cause this is a school project and it's supposed to be that way for integration with a system that already exists, but I have to develop everything from scratch.
That is also why I can't export anything to that kind of services. It has to be made so it can integrate a database that already exists.
I will check on the link you gave me, thank you very much.
Thank you for your answer. I did and I succeed. I am able to send information from the arduino to the PI with GET method now. Although I think this might not be the best solution but its where I am standing.
I dont see why isnt a good idea the GET method, for me its fine.
Other solution is the POST, but I dont know if Arduino is capable of a post.
And the last one would be sending just a tcp socket with the info.