Arduino Wifi101 sheild with I2C

Hi, I am working a project with Arduino Zero. An external shield with sensors communicating with Zeero via SPI is used in the project. I am looking to use Wifi 101 shield to transfer sensor data wirelessly to the system.

I am a beginner and I want to make Wifi 101 use I2C for communication with Arduino Zero instead of SPI as my external shield uses SPI and that cannot be modified. How do I go about making Wifi 101 use I2C. Is it possible? Please Help.


No, you can't use I2C.

What makes you think you can't use two (or three) devices on the SPI bus?


The external shield uses pin10 for Chip Select for SPI communication in active low mode.

Arduino Wifi shield 101 also uses pin 10 for chip select, and I want both the devices to work at the same-time as I am doing real-time data processing on Arduino and want to transfer processed data to a wifiClient.

Is there a way to configure Wifi 101 shield to use different CS without hardware changes (as the two shields are stacked up on Arduino Zero)?
