Arduino WifiNINA Firmware Updater

Dear Community,

I am currently working on an Arduino project for my bachelor thesis and are struggling with the Arduino WifiNINA library.
My goal is to connect two "Arduino Nano 33 IoT" via WifiNINA to communicate between them for extracting data and commands.
But I am not able to apply the firmware on the Arduino.
My Arduino IDE ist updated to the latest version 1.8.13.
And my WifiNINA lib is also updated to the newest version 1.7. Nevertheless, I tried to fix this problem by using every single WifiNina lib but none of them worked.

When I use the CheckWifiNinaFirmwareVersion function as described in this link I get the following output:

14:46:11.798 -> WiFiNINA firmware check.
14:46:11.798 ->
14:46:12.527 -> Firmware version installed: 1.3.0
14:46:12.527 -> Latest firmware version available : 1.4.0
14:46:12.527 ->
14:46:12.527 -> Check result: NOT PASSED
14:46:12.527 -> - The firmware version on the module do not match the
14:46:12.527 -> version required by the library, you may experience
14:46:12.527 -> issues or failures.

But when I use the FirmwareUpdater as described here the newest possible firmware to select is 1.3.0

Does anybody know how to fix this problem? I would love to hear some answers from you guys.

Thanks a lot!


Hey Christian,

Did you ever have any luck with this? I just got a NANO 33 IoT a few days ago and was experiencing pretty much the same problem. I had no luck in any searches for a solution. Out of shear desperation and on a whim I uploaded ESP32BootRom.ccp to the IoT and then I was able to pass the check and update the firmware. You'll notice ESP32BootRom.ccp as the second tab when you open up the FirmwareUpdater sketch. I have never seen any reference to this needing to be done, but the message I would get from the serial monitor when I would upload or reset the Iot with the FirmwareUpdater made me think this was missing and needed to be uploaded. So give a try uploading both the ESP32BootRom.ccp and FirmwareUpdated and see if that works for you.


Just ignore that message. This is an issue between the library version and the firmware which is packaged with the IDE. The I suspect the new firmware version will come with the next IDE version. This questions was asked before and I researched this a while ago.

You can find out a bit more about this here:

My apologies. I read the post as having the same problem I was in not being able to update the firmware. My IDE (1.8.13) showed the latest firmware available, but I was unable to update it due to the updater failing the connection test. In debugging the problem I was seeing the message "Unable to communicate with ESP32 boot ROM!" from the serial monitor. This was not the problem that Christian was having, but having misread his problem, seeing no responses, and having not seen any posting about the problem I had encountered, I incorrectly posted the solution to my problem, not his. I hope this hasn't caused any confusion.


My apologies. ... I hope this hasn't caused any confusion.

No problem.

See you around in the forum. :slight_smile:
