Arduino Wireless Shield + WiFi RN-XV


I have almost successfuly installed a Wireless shield (R3) + WiFi RN-XV + Arduino Mega 2560 with Sparkfun lib alpha2, and I wonder why the PWR led of the shield is blinking in red ? Is it a problem of alimentation ? My Mega is plugged directly in USB...

Thanks for your answers!

I wonder why the PWR led of the shield is blinking in red ?

Because it doesn't have a purple LED.

Really, if you expect a decent answer, you need to say WHICH shield the PWR LED is blinking on, and when it is blinking.

Sorry I'm confused, it's the one on the Wireless SHIELD (R3) and it is blinking ever and ever and ever...

it's the one on the Wireless SHIELD (R3)

There's more than one wireless shield. You really need to post a link.

It's this one !