I built a barebones board which I want to program using an FTDI cable in the Arduino environment. When I try to upload programs the IDE fives a sync error message. Is that due to the 8MHz crystal ? Do I need to change some settings somewhere to take account of the different crystal ?
I had a look on playground and there was an article which said change preference.txt, but I couldn't find the crystal freq in that file.
What board do you have selected under Tools->Boards? You should select an 8 MHz board. If none of the existing 8 MHz boards matches your breadboard you should write your own boards.txt file to add your breadboard. Maybe something like this but with setting for a crystal:
Hi, I had a stab at doing a custom board in boards.txt.
Although My board has an external crystal I decided to try (for now) 8MHz internal clock. I used ADABoot (I think it uses internal clock 8MHz - but this could be wrong)
I have set the fuses for 8MHz internal clock using AVRstudio 4. I then tried this board in boards .txt
I put the ADABoot_328 HEX file in the file path: /atmega328.bootloader.path=atmega. I used a low baud rate for safety (9600). Set Baud for cable at 9600 also.
What board do you have selected under Tools->Boards? You should select an 8 MHz board. If none of the existing 8 MHz boards matches your breadboard you should write your own boards.txt file to add your breadboard. Maybe something like this but with setting for a crystal: