I am a newbie with electronics and arduino I made my own own arduino using Atmega8 because we dont have Atmega328 in my country But i want to increase the memory for my arduino by connecting another Atmega8 but i dont know how
can any one help me???
You can not increase the memory of an ATmega8.
You could divide your problem in half, putting half on each of two Arduinos, with some sort of communications between them so that they work together. But that is not the same thing.
Thank you my friend for your answere
what i want is to connect two Atmega8 so they work together as the brain of the arduino and make a bigger memory
is that possible???
Whats your country ?
Also whats your application ? we might be able to give some tips for fitting it into an ATMega 8.
I use them a lot myself, only one of my projects is too bit to fit and I am certain I could shrink it down to an 8 if I tried.
Duane B
I am from Syria
the project i want to make is a lamp that can be lighten with a remote control or an electrical switch
I noticed that you're from Dubai Can you speak Arabic??
and my friend i don't want to shrink my apps i want to increase the memory i have
I enthusiastically started learning Arabic, but then got frustrated because almost no-one I met in Dubai could speak back to me in Arabic - and when they did my Arabic fell into the gaps between Khaleeji Arabi, Turkish TV Arabi and all of the other dialects outside the gulf.
This project has an ATMega8 inside, its reading 200 Radio control signals per second a gyroscope, calculating the output and generating it 50 times per second - not bad for a little duino - yours must be a very complicated lamp ?
Duane B