Hello everyone, I'm happy to be here with you for my first ever topic in this site so i hope you will help me
I'm working on a project for Transport(Bus) automation, I want to place an arduino uno or a NodeMcu in the Bus with a GPS module to track that vehicule, So i want to get the position of the bus (GPS coordinates) and send them to my JavaScript web application as an XML or Json request or anything else, I will need to call this data from my JS app with an http request which return the coordinates (lat and lng, maybe the speed of the vehicule and the distance) Anyway the most important is to get the lat and lng to show the position on the map.
The arduino must send the data using internet, so i guess that i need a GSM module with a SIM card which have active 3G internet, and i do not know how to program this and make it run
I want to know if all this is possible as i said ? or i need to create a database to store all this informations from different buses and then get these data from that database to the app using http request. I also want to know if sending data from Arduino using 3G internet is better than sending with a simple GSM/GPRS messages using SMS.
Finally, If you have a better idea than this please share it with me <3 thanks all