Arduino With Nextion Display Problems

I am using the Arduino Uno R3 SMD with a 2.8" Nextion Display. Everything was working fine until one day when my code stopped working. I keep getting constant input to the arduino from the nextion display and when I touch the display, the code that is suppose to be received most of the isn't. Sometimes it works but rarely. Here is my code:

if (portOne.available() > 0) { //Check If The Nextion Display Has Sent Us Something

    String Received = portOne.readString(); //Save the received String in the Received variable


Why is the Nextion Display sending constant data when the display has not been touched? It use to work perfectly.

The display works perfectly when I connect it to the computer using an FTDI unit inside the Nextion Software.

What is the data it sending?

it sends one of FFFFFFFFb and then sends 1A when converting the array to HEX. The 1A repeats over and over and never ends.

I am also using a 470uF 16V capacitor across the power lines on the display per this post: Using Nextion displays with Arduino

I would expect a faulty display if it didn't work perfectly with the FTDI programmer and the Nextion Software in debug mode.

The following command to replace Serial.prinln(Received); shows a constant flow of 0 on every line.


The next commands show -300 once and a constant flow of 26-1-1.


Converting to HEX is where I received the FFFFFFd and the constant 1A. Not using int as I stated above. I have edited the post above.

I stripped my code back to the basics with just the arduino receiving touch inputs from the Nextion Display and it fixed the garbage being received. I will now add other inputs to the code to see what was disturbing my display RX and TX lines. It might be the radio messing it up. Will add more later.

Whandall. If you do not have anything to help solve the problem then why posts a link to a resource that I started out with.. Unless you are trying to rack up your posting points. I also stated that I fixed my issue by going back to the base code. lol

You received an error code from the Nextion,
over and over, probably because your code triggered that over and over.

But we do not have the whole code, nor the Nextion code, so who knows.

I did not expect that you would be unable to understand my post.

That was my entire code minus the setup lines and declarations. That is why I didn't know why it was spitting out garbage. I was just checking for incoming data and doing a serialprint to see what it was.

I would be more than happy to post my entire arduino code and HMI files of the working arduino/nextion interaction for you if you want. My code works great now. The weird part is that everything was working great for months and then decided not to work now. No code was changed or uploaded to the Arduino.

I am just creating my own thermostat control for a 1934 Chrysler AirTemp Furnace where the controls had stopped working. I designed the new electronics for the furnace and was just wondering why the thermostat was doing weird stuff after awhile.


Here is my code for my interaction with the Nextion Display.

#include <SPI.h>

#include <EEPROM.h>

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial portOne(3, 4); //RX, TX

String MyID = "";
String MyVal = "";
String DTS = "";

int RT =; //Room Temperature
int BF =; //Burner Off Temperature
int FO =; //Fan On Temperature
int FF =; //Fan Off Temperature

void setup() {




void loop(){

  if (portOne.available() > 0) {




void GetNextion() {

  String Received = portOne.readString(); //Save the received String in the Received variable

  MyID = Received[0];
  MyID = MyID + Received[1];

  if (MyID == "RT"){ //RT = Room Temperature

    MyVal = Received[2];
    MyVal = MyVal + Received[3];

    if (MyVal != String(RT)){ //If the default Room Temperature has been changed from default.

      RT = MyVal.toInt(); //Save it as the new default temperature.
      EEPROM.update(0, RT); //Write it to the EEPROM as the new default Room Temperature.

      DTS = MyID + MyVal;
      //radio.write(DTS.c_str(), DTS.length()); //Send the new default value to the furnace control board in the furnace wirelessly.

      Serial.print("Transmitted ");


  if (MyID == "BF"){ //BF is the Burner Off Temperature
    MyVal = Received[2];
    MyVal = MyVal + Received[3];
    MyVal = MyVal + Received[4];

    if (MyVal != String(BF)){

      BF = MyVal.toInt();
      EEPROM.update(1, BF);

      DTS = MyID + MyVal;
      //radio.write(DTS.c_str(), DTS.length());

      Serial.print("Transmitted ");



  if (MyID == "FO"){ //FO is the Fan OnTemperature

    MyVal = Received[2];
    MyVal = MyVal + Received[3];
    MyVal = MyVal + Received[4];

    if (MyVal != String(FO)){

      FO = MyVal.toInt();
      EEPROM.update(2, FO);

      DTS = MyID + MyVal;
      //radio.write(DTS.c_str(), DTS.length());

      Serial.print("Transmitted ");



  if (MyID == "FF"){//FF is the Fan Off Temperature

    MyVal = Received[2];
    MyVal = MyVal + Received[3];
    MyVal = MyVal + Received[4];

    if (MyVal != String(FF)){

      FF = MyVal.toInt();
      EEPROM.update(3, FF);

      DTS = MyID + MyVal;
      //radio.write(DTS.c_str(), DTS.length());

      Serial.print("Transmitted ");




Hopefully I didn't leave anything out.

There is a lot more because the thermostat (Nextion Display) also has the Time, Day Of The Week, the Date (with help from an rtc. There is also inside and outside temperature and humidity readings on the display. It all works wirelessly with the furnace unit inside the furnace with SSR's(Solid State Relays) along with other things.

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