Hello Everyone,
I am new to this forum and also new in the Arduino. I am not good from the programming point of view. Now i need the help on urgent basis.
Please see the image i attached with this post. I have almost this type of boundary. I have to receive the data in the central location from the 3 different locations at boundary. Each location at boundary is located at 500 meters distance from the central location. At the boundary the electric fencing is there, when somebody will touch the fencing the monitor will observe it and will give the output of 3-5V and that signal i have to send to the central location. And at the central location a LCD(16x4) that will be connected to the Arduino displays that the activity is there in any zone. These 3 locations at boundary are representing the 3 different zones.
So i want that when somebody touches the fencing, the monitor will observe it and gives its output DC signal and Arduino Uno R3 should send it to the central location using the NRF24L01(i am using its "with antenna model").
I am facing a problem in writing the program for it and also i don't know i could achieve the Mesh networking.
Please give your suitable response. I am writing here with a positive hope.
Actually this is the project which i am handling personally for the boundary of my friend's factory area.
I will go through the link provided by you and will discuss with you further.
Please try to help if you can, because i am in trouble. I have to finish this as soon as possible. because it needs to be implemented on urgent basis.
I tried with NRF24l01 but I dont think it will provide 500 meter range even there is mention in datasheet!
So are you consern about tit or you ok with additional directional antenna and all?
Do you need entire program or did you done something?
If you did something then please share your program too!
I don't know what is the potential reliable range of high powered nRF24s - I only need to use them in a large room for radio control of model trains.
Assuming that you have a solution to the range I think a simple programming solution would be to have a master that regularly polls each of the other (slave) devices. The pair of programs in this link is a simplified version of my train control system and it can easily be extended so the master calls a series of slaves one by one.
I tried with NRF24l01 but I dont think it will provide 500 meter range even there is mention in datasheet!
So are you consern about tit or you ok with additional directional antenna and all?
Do you need entire program or did you done something?
If you did something then please share your program too!
Actually i am weak in the programming section, that's why looking for the whole program. For testing i am using the program given into this link
Before it was working fine, same as described in this link. But now it is not working. The transmitter side is working fine but receiver couldn't initialize itself. Pins are connected correctly on both side. Also i am not getting the 3.3V on one of the Arduino board. Should i try the 5V with NRF24L0?. What is the reason of the failure of the pin of 3.3V. Before, it was working fine.
If you can write the program for me then please share with me.
Please go through the whole details.
I don't know what is the potential reliable range of high powered nRF24s - I only need to use them in a large room for radio control of model trains.
Assuming that you have a solution to the range I think a simple programming solution would be to have a master that regularly polls each of the other (slave) devices. The pair of programs in this link is a simplified version of my train control system and it can easily be extended so the master calls a series of slaves one by one.
Thanks for your response and the link you shared. I have gone through it and found it helpful for the testing.
Actually these modules are available for long range also.
For testing i am using the program given into this link
Before it was working fine, same as described in this link. But now it is not working. The transmitter side is working fine but receiver couldn't initialize itself. Pins are connected correctly on both side. Also i am not getting the 3.3V on one of the Arduino board. Should i try the 5V with NRF24L0?. What is the reason of the failure of the pin of 3.3V. Before, it was working fine.
As i told i am weak in programming so looking for the whole program according to my situation as described. If you can help then please do it.
but not getting any response. Also the power problem is described here, may be i am also suffering with the same problem. What should i do to complete this project?
Should i try the 5V with NRF24L0?. What is the reason of the failure of the pin of 3.3V. Before, it was working fine.
You MUST supply the nRF24 with a max of 3.6v. For a high-power nRF24 the Arduino 3.3v probably cannot provide enough power. One option (among many) would be to use an LM317 to give regulated 3.3v from the Arduino 5v pin or from another power source.
You MUST supply the nRF24 with a max of 3.6v. For a high-power nRF24 the Arduino 3.3v probably cannot provide enough power. One option (among many) would be to use an LM317 to give regulated 3.3v from the Arduino 5v pin or from another power source.
Can i use the 5V direct to nRf24L01 from the Arduino board?
I am trying it with the SMPS that can provide 3.3V with max. 25A. But still not getting any response.
Should i try it with the 3.6V or at any other voltage?
Right now i am trying its getting started example as per the information given in this link https://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/Nrf24L01-2.4GHz-HowTo
If you tried with SMPS then I dont think its power problem!
Also Arduino 3.3V works too but it needs 100uF cap directly on NRF VCC and GND.
You mentioned that
Before it was working fine, same as described in this link. But now it is not working
So can you tell us what exact changes you made?
Cause if it where working properly before then it shouldnt be power problem!
Please clarify!
@yatin and Robin2
Very first of all i tried the example given into this link
It was working fine, i was getting the same response as described here but with little noise. After that suddenly the pin 3.3V of one of the Arduino Uno stop working. No output from that pin. Then i connected the Vcc pin of NRF24L01 to 5V of Arduino. But didn't get any response.
Then i tried the code of Train model suggested by Robin2 in his post, but it was looking a loop, because i was getting the output on serial moitor even the Nrf24l01 is disconnected
After that i tried the details given into this link https://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/Nrf24L01-2.4GHz-HowTo
It is using the getting started example. I tried but got no response. Then i found that the power problem may be there and i tried it with 3.3V from SMPS. After tightening the connection i got this response(image attached in t he attchment).
This image is showing the response of the Transmitter side Arduino and it is working fine for 400 meters(i didn't went beyond that). But i was getting response still after disconnecting the Rx side. Although the communication started only after giving command from one side(as described in the link and example), but i am still confused that the exact communication is there or not.
I found some problems that are: loose connections and power supply. These problems are removed now. But it is till hard for me to confirm that it will communicate at long range or not.
Now i think i clarified the enough, so please suggest me what should i do next to confirm the range and then to create my desired network?
And after that you will probably never get any response, if GND was connected it should kill the chip.
You mean, it was my wrong action. How i can ensure that chip is still in working condition?
Now recently i tried the code given in this link
When the Rx and TX are placed near then the response is correct, i mean when the receiver is ON Tx getting the response and when Rx is OFF it is not getting any response.
But when i am trying them at far distance more than 100 meters then i am getting the same response as Rx is ON even the Rx is Off. And same happen when i am using the code given in the example of this link https://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/Nrf24L01-2.4GHz-HowTo