I want to know if it's possible to use a microcontroler without all the component of a UNO board for a specific use ? Because a don't want to lose my UNO in a permanent setup and only use the parts I need for my project.
Thank you !
I want to know if it's possible to use a microcontroler without all the component of a UNO board for a specific use ? Because a don't want to lose my UNO in a permanent setup and only use the parts I need for my project.
Thank you !
Oh my, you are new.
Lots and lots of stuff out there.
Of course. You need an oscillator, a power supply, and some bypass capacitors and then whatever I/O you may need for your application. (You also need a way to program the microcontroller, but that can be done before assembly.)
But, I LOVE the fact that it's a complete board and that the development board also functions as an affordable "production board".
Why don't you check out the Arduino Pro Mini. It has the full functionality of the UNO, except that you have to buy a little converter dongle to load SW to it (completely compatible with the standard Arduino SDI).
You can solder whatever header pins you need to it, and place it in a PCB board as though it were just another chip. At under $2.50 apiece (EBAY), it's just a really good solution to getting UNO horsepower in a simple format. Ever since I found out how cheap these are, I've been designing a lot more multiprocessor projects, because I get twice the memory and twice the computing power of an UNO for $5.00!
e-bay for a UNO, should find for under $15.
the pro-mini has an odd pin-out, but moderatly functionial. many have A4 and A5 inside the main pins. and not centered so you cannot use the protoboards or breadboards.
others have A4-A7 on the end, again, no aligned.
the Pro-Micro is more $$$ but has the USB on-board.
the NANO costs about the same, but has all the pins available and much-much closer to the UNO layout of pins.
if you have/want/need to use shields, then get another UNO.
if you do not need all the pins, get the much lower costs mini.
if you realy want to reduce the footprint, get a ATTINY85. 8 pin, 5 total I/O pins. you can program from you UNO, has an onboard crystal for 1mhz speed.
what we are saying is that you have lots of options.
Of course. You need an oscillator, a power supply, and some bypass capacitors and then whatever I/O you may need for your application. (You also need a way to program the microcontroller, but that can be done before assembly.)But, I LOVE the fact that it's a complete board and that the development board also functions as an affordable "production board".
You don't need an oscillator if you're okay with running 8 MHz or less on the internal oscillator. That's practically a default when running ATtiny chips since it saves 2 pins out of 8 on the Tiny45 and Tiny85.
Running at 8 MHz lets you run at 3.3V and frees up 2 pins, giving you an 8-pin Port to work with.
Running at 3.3V lets you interface SD cards and other 3.3V devices without voltage-leveling.
It's half-as-fast but not half-whatever. 8 MHz is still plenty for most apps.
I can say that female jumpers fit right on bare chip pins and many socket pins. If you don't want to solder right to chip pins then get a socket and solder to that then plug the chip in. Sockets are like little cheap 2 row breadboards with headers on the bottom... sort of. You can get 40 pin narrow sockets that a 328P DIP will plug into and leave 2 rows x 6 holes that most part leads fit right in!
There is also this O'Baka Duino:
I want to know if it's possible to use a microcontroler without all the component of a UNO board for a specific use ? Because a don't want to lose my UNO in a permanent setup and only use the parts I need for my project.Thank you !
Arduino boards are Development Boards.
End-products should be stand-alone chips whether on boards or not.
You want to keep your dev board. It can be used as a programmer.
However when there gets to be a rat nest of wires it would pay to make boards or get them made. You can save time and errors and have a more durable result. Professionals don't just use them for the look.
See, also, this page Arduino on a Breadboard.