Arduino won't detect release of button


i have problem that my arduino code won't detect my nextion button.
here is my arduino code:

#include <Nextion.h>  // Include the nextion library (the official one)
                      // Make sure you edit the NexConfig.h file on the library folder to set the correct Serial port for the display.
                      // By default it's set to Serial, which most arduino boards don't have.
                      // Change "#define nexSerial Serial" to "#define nexSerial Serial" if you are using arduino uno, nano, etc.

// Declare objects that we are going to read from the display. This includes buttons, sliders, text boxes, etc:
// Format: <type of object> <object name> = <type of object>(<page id>, <object id>, "<object name>");
/* ***** Types of objects:
 * NexButton - Button
 * NexDSButton - Dual-state Button
 * NexHotspot - Hotspot, that is like an invisible button
 * NexCheckbox - Checkbox
 * NexRadio - "Radio" checkbox, that it's exactly like the checkbox but with a rounded shape
 * NexSlider - Slider
 * NexGauge - Gauge
 * NexProgressBar - Progress Bar
 * NexText - Text box
 * NexScrolltext - Scroll text box
 * NexNumber - Number box
 * NexVariable - Variable inside the nextion display
 * NexPage - Page touch event
 * NexGpio - To use the Expansion Board add-on for Enhanced Nextion displays
 * NexRtc - To use the real time clock for Enhanced Nextion displays
 * *****

 NexText weight1 = NexText(0, 21, "weight1");
 NexText weight11 = NexText(1, 11, "weight11");
 NexText weight2 = NexText(0, 22, "weight2");
 NexText weight21 = NexText(2, 11, "weight21");
 NexText weight3 = NexText(0, 23, "weight3");
 NexText weight31 = NexText(2, 11, "weight31");
 NexText weight4 = NexText(0, 24, "weight4");
 NexText weight41 = NexText(4, 11, "weight41");
 NexText off11 = NexText(1, 10, "off11");  // Text box added, so we can read it
 NexText off1 = NexText(5, 13, "off1");  // Text box added, so we can read it
 NexText off2 = NexText(6, 13, "off2");  // Text box added, so we can read it
 NexText off3 = NexText(7, 13, "off3");  // Text box added, so we can read it
 NexText off4 = NexText(8, 13, "off4");  // Text box added, so we can read it
 NexButton enter1 = NexButton(5, 2, "enter1");
 NexButton enter2 = NexButton(6, 2, "enter2");
 NexButton enter3 = NexButton(7, 2, "enter3");
 NexButton enter4 = NexButton(8, 2, "enter4");
char buffer[100] = {0};  // This is needed only if you are going to receive a text from the display. You can remove it otherwise.
                         // Further on this sketch I do receive text so that's why I created this buffer.

// Declare touch event objects to the touch event list: 
// You just need to add the names of the objects that send a touch event.
// Format: &<object name>,
NexTouch *nex_listen_list[] = 
  &enter1,  // Button added
  &enter2,  // Button added
  &enter3,  // Button added
  &enter4,  // Button added
  NULL  // String terminated
};  // End of touch event list

////////////////////////// Touch events:
// Each of the following sections are going to run everytime the touch event happens:
// Is going to run the code inside each section only ones for each touch event.

#define ledPin 13

void enter1_press(void *ptr)  // Press event for button b1
  memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));  // Clear the buffer, so we can start using it
  off1.getText(buffer, sizeof(buffer));  // Read the text on the object t7 and store it on the buffer
}  // End of press event

void setup() {
  // initialize both Serial ports:
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  Serial.begin(115200);  // Start Serial comunication at baud=9600
  digitalWrite(13,LOW);  // Turn ON internal LED
  // Register the event callback functions of each touch event:
  // You need to register press events and release events seperatly.
  // Format for press events: <object name>.attachPush(<object name>PushCallback);
  // Format for release events: <object name>.attachPop(<object name>PopCallback);
  enter1.attachPop(enter1_press, &enter1);

void loop() 


in nextion i turn on touch release event what i am doing wrong? please help

Support for Nextion on these fora is pretty much as follows:
You can follow the methods I set out in using Nextion displays with Arduino. My methods do not use the Nextion libraries, so while I am happy to offer help on using my methods I cannot offer anything very helpful for any Nextion library.

The original Nextion libraries are full of bugs. There is a link from my tutorial to some improved Nextion libraries created by Ray Livingston, I suggest those might be worth trying if you prefer to use a library.

There's also a separate Easy Nextion Library by Seithan, his methods are different to mine, choose which works best for you.

Beyond that the odd person occasionally offers a bit of help but not much.

I have not recently seen anyone offer help for the official Nextion libraries.

Awesome thanks,

why i can't ask question on other post.

how can i read text from nextion?

Greetings Matej

Why I can't ask question on other post?

What other post? You have asked your question on this post.

How can i read text from Nextion?

Follow my tutorial or follow Seithan's methods, when you get stuck post your best effort in a new question and ask for help.