I was trying to get my calculator script working, but when I wanted to upload a script it would not upload. It said uploading but, stops about 3/4th of the way and does not budge. My script already on the board stupidly looped an Serial.println and when I go to upload the TX LED is on. I dont know what to do, as am learning the Arduino -today is the first time I really got to play with it.
Ill have to get some wire in the morning. I dont have any at the moment. Couldnt I just hold the reset button? but thank you for the help. If I can just hold the button it failed.
I hear a noise from windows, but does not show up on a serial port
When having a problem, it is best to fully describe your environment: Arduino board or clone, if you are using a USB-TTL converter which one, what OS version, etc. Flaky upload issues with long sketches sounds like an I/O issue. Such issues can be caused by anything from an OS driver, OS background tasks interrupting, noisy environment (such as fluorescent lightning, noisy AC adapter, etc.
I always recommend that you have two or more Arduinos; otherwise you cannot test by substitution of hardware. Even two USB cables are needed. If you are running Windows as your OS, is Windows doing some heavy lifting in the background (downloading patches, etc.) Even programs such as Java, Adobe products, and Apple products all install backend listeners for updates. This crap can really clog a machine. One way to test this is simply to disconnect the Internet connection while you are downloading. Reboot the PC and try to download the sketch with the machine "off-net."
Of course, there are numerous other issues that could cause a download to malfunction, too. We need to be systematic in our search for an answer. Do one thing at a time and document the results.
4.Then I open my device manager to see which com port it is in.
5.Then I open up my tools > serial port > then check to make sure I am on the correct com port. ( correct )
6.I then try to upload the script and this is what I see:( This code has worked before for me, not my code.)
My biggest feeling is in the Void loop, I printed the serial port into an inf number of time. Before, the code just gave me -1 inf number of times. I think I am freezing my arduino. I do not know what to do to fix it; I hope this helps out a lot more. I want to get this fixed before the weekend, but i think I need another arduino. I have money in my pocket, so a trip up to the "toy store" might be in my future.
Again, I want to stress how thankful I am for everyone's help! I greatly appreciate it!