Hi, im a beginner...
I have googled if it can be done, but found only projects that involved a PC
So... can i connect xbox 360 conntroler directly to xbee that i have on arduino?
Hi, im a beginner...
I have googled if it can be done, but found only projects that involved a PC
So... can i connect xbox 360 conntroler directly to xbee that i have on arduino?
Hi, im a beginner...
I have googled if it can be done, but found only projects that involved a PC
So... can i connect xbox 360 conntroler directly to xbee that i have on arduino??
What xbee do you have? I'm pretty sure the Xbox 360 uses a proprietary protocol that wont be compatible with anything that you can buy. The easiest way is just to open the controller and wire up the buttons directly. The PS3 controller just uses bluetooth.
I am currently working on exactly this. I have detailed the wiring of the 360 controller on my blog if that helps: The Code Ninja: Xbee 360 Controller - Xbox 360 Controller and Xbee - Wiring
I'll be writing a follow up post on how to connect to an xbee soon.