Arduino Yun - Digital Output

Hi to all,

I've created sketch last year to monitor my aquarium.
A lot of sensors and 2 relais configured and working all fine as programmed in my sketch.

On a Arduino Yun in my sketch I use pin 22 and 23 as output for a relais. They are the A5 and A6 pin on the Analoge In header.

Where did I found this pins 22 & 23 ??? I cannot find them anymore in any pin layout schema ?

#define Rel1Pin 22
#define Rel2Pin 23

pinMode(Rel1Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Rel2Pin, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(Rel1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Rel2Pin, HIGH);

Pins 22 and 23 are equal to A4 and A5 for the Leonardo and the Yun.

Where did I found this pins 22 & 23 ??? I cannot find them anymore in any pin layout schema ?

They are defined in the pins_arduino.h file at hardware/avr/variants/leonardo/pins_arduino.h of the IDE.