arduino yun dose not respond

Hello, guys
i just bought an arduino yun and succeeded in making it connect with my wifi as it was shone in the instructions but when i choose an example bridge and choose one of the options the port gives me my ip address and my baud (300) but it is not the same as in the instruction video (9600) and when i click the serial monitor button it shows me this
Unable to connect: retrying (1)...
Unable to connect: retrying (2)...
Unable to connect: retrying (3)...
Unable to connect: retrying (4)...
Unable to connect: is the sketch using the bridge?

the video we followed is Getting Started With Arduino Yún - Tutorial (read the description below!) - YouTube

examples using the serial monitor must connect via USB, not wifi

Second what Mike said,

if you look closely in the video you will notice that his examples are done via usb
(/dev/tty... yatta yatta yatta)

You have to change the port if you programmed via wifi, to the usb one.

If you want the same type of result wirelessly that is a whole other topic.
One I would have a hard time speaking to at the moment

Also, this is in the FAQ stuck to the top the Forum- Arduino Playground - Yun

I was having the same issue:

This works:

This does not