Arduino Yun & Global Cache iTach Control

Hello Yun Community!

Here is what I want to accomplish: I am presently able to send a serial command from my HAI panel to my Arduino via an RS-232 shield.

In response to a serial command, I want to be able to use the bridge to tell a Python script to form a TCP socket connection with my Global Cache iTach Network to IR devices and have the Yun send an IR command string to the iTach which then broadcasts the IR string out to the IR blaster.

Thus far, i have found this Python script:

However, I don't know any Python (yet) and I am unsure of where (in the linino file system) to put the python file, and then how to "call" a particular file using a bridge command from an Arduino Sketch...

I am completely comfortable with the Arduino / Serial side of things and I already have my board talking to my HAI controller. It's the Python and iTach side that I need some guidance on.

Thanks in advance!


However, I don't know any Python (yet) and I am unsure of where (in the linino file system) to put the python file, and then how to "call" a particular file using a bridge command from an Arduino Sketch...

The list of programming language Yun support:

  • Erlang (a general-purpose concurrent, garbage-collected programming language and runtime system)
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Lua
  • PHP
  • Perl
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • 4th (an imperative stack-based computer programming language and programming environment)
  • eggdrop (Eggdrop is a popular IRC bot and the oldest still in active development)
  • sigscheme (SigScheme is a R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use.)
  • slsh (Interpreter for S-Lang scripts)
  • tcl (Tool Command Language)
  • vala (C-sharp like language for the GObje)

Last one might be most important one is C, by using cross compile.

You are in the business if comfortable with one of them.