Hi everyone,
first of all sorry for the bad english, i simply translated the post from the italian forum where nobody answered me. I hope you can help me here
I am having problems with my Arduino YUN rev.2 bought about a week ago. I have adapted a perfectly working sketch on UNO and it is giving me these problems:
- The functions work (excuse the pun) but the page returns an HTTP error 500. Once the function is finished, the next command sometimes goes, sometimes not, always giving HTTP error 500.
- The "delivery" function stops at a certain point (marked on the sketch)
- The sketch uploaded via USB works, uploaded from wifi port from "Could not connect to YunServer 146 Connection refused"
- the RFID reader sometimes goes, sometimes not.
I ask you if, given what I have to do, it is convenient to use a YUN or a ONE wifi would be enough, since what interests me is to be able to give commands via WiFi.
I copy the sketch from the Italian forum, please don't insult me for the confusion.